
tree rootsFollowing a BA (Hons) in German at Southampton University and three years teaching English as a foreign language in Paris, I completed an MSc in Clinical Communication Studies at City University and qualified as a speech and language therapist. In this capacity, I developed a particular interest in stammering and became a member of the European Stuttering Specialisation Consortium in 2021.

To complement my speech and language therapy training, I went on to complete a Diploma in Person Centred Counselling from Metanoia Institute and a BA (Hons) in Person Centred Counselling from Middlesex University.

I also hold a Conversion Diploma in Adolescent and Schools Counselling and a Diploma in Person Centred Supervision from Metanoia Institute.

I have a particular interest in mindful self-compassion and working creatively with the arts, so attend regular specialised training and workshops to maintain and develop these skills. I have also undertaken additional training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Narrative Practice.